Friday, November 12, 2004

Coffee Crumbled Rage

Nothing beats having coffee while contemplating on how to solve a very hard case.

Gives you that edginess, that slight tic on your mental frequency to push harder, to be braver to consider a different approach, a less traveled path, to explore, to be daring, for something new.

Maybe it's just caffeine addiction. My craving has altered something in my mental faculties that I feel such symptoms whenever i get a dose of the concoction.
Or it's a psyche deterioration for too much intake.

But in all honesty, if it's just all in the mind, then warped it. Sure is fun being a bit different whenever i have coffee.And it's not everyday that one has a caffeine-induced cosmos up in ones head.

Saturday, November 6, 2004

working on a saturday

pretty disturbing
im still 23 and i have stuck myself inside my office.

do you question my sanity?
why im here on a saturday?

pretty flakey really.

being out of school and having most of your friends busy with..take a! i come here to work, waste a few hours *sigh*

im starting to have doubts on the growing up process.
i understand responsibility but good Lord, the word fun is starting to sound french!

and i wonder why im getting fat.(im being sarcastic here) stuck in an office, no means of exercise, my butt stuck on my chair, only getting up for the rest room or breaks....

Good thing i got myself almost wasted last night.
that was a sure sign i was still breathing...but sure felt good to be in the company of friends without the presence of work.

so i guess ill start living again...

all i have to do is finish my report and im off...errr...somewhere.