Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sykes Inter-LOB Football Tournament 2010

Company inter LOB football competition. We won the championship this year and the first time I played ffor my actual team. Didn't play traitor this year. hahahaha
Despite the Bruises, sunburn, the mud and the semi marsh on the field, it was a great game(s). Thank you. What I did say about it again...Until next year.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Crossing Bridges

First Official leave of the year. Just 2 days and a weekend, but definitely fun.
Had some things checked on "My List"
- writing my name on government property (well scratching more like it, on moss/dirt/dust covered cemented portion of the bridge. I am indicating that in detail just in case ehem people would think I committed a crime. I looked it up definition I just scratch dirt off the bridge hahahahahahah)
- walked that Bridge and then some.
- stayed in a pink pink castle hahahahah with pink rooms and pink towels. My sister's room was nicer though..definitely.
- met up with family on both my mother and father's side of the family and then some. I have a new not new born...can't happen yeah?
- Love the food. The braces were...well there but still love the food
- Didnt meet up with my classmates though..was barely in the city
- I can now say I sort of appreciate Golf...but the green grass automatically means football for me. But great great green field hahahahaha

**will be adding Saim's photo here...removed my object photos hahahahaha