Saturday, January 26, 2008

Contemplating my Non-oddities

It’s January and June is four months away, and I have to really really convince myself to be ready for another semester at USC and finish my darn masters classes. I still have 15 units to go and a thesis (for a non-thesis curriculum, yes we have thesis, although officially it isn’t called that…more like documentation of my project and all that shit, like not calling it a thesis makes it not one – go figure logic yeah?). I still have no idea what to propose, who’d be a great adviser, if I would even be up to par with presenting one to my maestros. Afraid? Watashi? More like terrified.

So for this moment I am trying to forget I have that obstacle to go through in…yeah…4 months or so. I’m currently busy and enjoying my non-engineering related classes. It has it’s perks, something new and one of the things I have listed down to do before I go into the deep end. (yeah I went through the list making…obsessive compulsive much. You know…those moments) and the list is really really long and I really really need to work on them my age is already 20-fucking-7. yeah! So….right…work on the list. Now to remember where the hell I placed the darn thing.

I’m sure my next project was something to do about a weapon, and no, nothing with ammo. I have a biased opinion of it these days…although I don’t really get it. A friend told me guns are emo…like I understand what emo is. Yes. I was born in 1981, emo was a non-existent word except for a shortened epithet for someone too melodramatic…these days however, it’s a fad, a trend, a state of being, a music genre…whichever, I don’t get it. However, for music related shit, if I get the beat, the rhythm, the lyrics…then a song is fine with me, emo or otherwise. And not really into labeling life, not right now, not that obsessive compulsive, although I have my moments I haven’t tried categorizing life for the sake of categorizing or because if I really put my mind to it, I just might be able to. Yeah! This is what being 27 is like I think (talking like a sage my ass). My current best friends are apathy and my non-existent funny bone. I swear I see penguins when I find something funny about anything these days.

Well…on to finding that list.
Fight-o! O!


  1. You know, I made a list, too. And lost it as well. I do remember that learning Nipponggo was on it. Hmm.

  2. hehehe yeah i know...and you aren't done with your list yet...I think I need to make a new one...since I can't seem to find the darn thing =)
