Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I’ve been a cynic in more ways than one. And I had enough reasons to be mean today, what with losing my wallet last night and only discovering it to be missing this morning on my way to work. In all honesty I just moped and tried very hard not to lash out at people who were curious to ask how I lost it, which unconsciously add salt to my open wounds of self condemnation. I was almost successful, mind you; however it was my boss who ended up on the receiving end of my non-existent patience, when he worded his question in the most insensitive form he could have phrased it. I mean he explained he was asking how I lost it but worded it in a way that any person who follows logic and literal sense, would have interpreted that he actually meant, why I purposely lost it. Stupid huh? Yes very.

Anyway, went running to get rid of my angst and over active imagination’s switching scenario routine, which only actually made me feel worse about myself. It did help, running I mean. My current state of pain is proof that my thoughts were diverted from my stupidity. I mean discovering parts of your body with the pain its in does tend to make you focus on that sensation.

I was ready to hit the shower when I got home then prepare for bed and just lose consciousness and forget today ever happened. But fate had other ideas…my phone rang with a guy on the line who said he found my wallet and apologizing for calling late. I was glad to meet him, on a specific location and hoping that it wasn’t some prank from some asshole who could be calling himself my friend.Becuase believe me, with how my day was going, i would have a different definition for friends like him plus of course warning signs... And good thing it wasn’t, I was hyped to actually have some heads rolling just for the heck of it. I had the audacity to call him ‘sir’ on the phone when he was actually 7 years my junior hahahaha. Phone conversation and voice distortion, go figure. He was a decent guy, pretty much made the effort to get my phone number from a bookstore where I am a member of and hassled the department secretary at the University Department to check if I have enrolled this semester…sadly I wasn’t in this semesters enrollees for masters class since…ehem…I was pretty late for enrollment…so he left my engineering license there then called the bookstore. So here we are, me writing this and laughing at my own stupidity but still pissed off about it, but thankful now as well and very glad that in this time and age, there are still people like him around here. Decent and honest people. I guess for today, despite my boss being an asshole, my cynicism factor went down a notch.  Some might say it’s neglible, but that iota makes a difference you know…specially with when I was expecting it would simply morphed me into the modern hermit.

I’m inviting him to dinner tonight... Just for the heck of it and to thank him. Yes, the hermit thing wasn’t a joke…although, as anti social as I am, here’s to wishful thinking I don’t kill anyone and end up getting him in trouble with me.

And the lesson for the day is? Run! =) helps you to focus.
Hope, it's the only one that's free in this world so far.
Friends? Their awesome. Thanks Menger and Lane. You guys rock.
And to strangers, well, I just might learn to ask first before shooting these days.

So yeah, there goes my hero, watch him as he goes, there goes my hero, he’s ordinary.


  1. Waah. Wish I could run, too, or something. I'd like to use the gym here to expend negative energies in, but I have to share it with strangers. And sometimes non-strangers but I still don't want them around me. And weird, smelly...er...aliens. Ugh.

  2. Hahahaha I can relate. I think it's the reason why I haven't enrolled in a gym...the enclosed space gives me the creeps. hehehehe and sometimes gym class tends to be someone else's playground for showing off or whatever =)

  3. True, true. Haven't in a gym but I can see the picture vividly! Hahahaha!

  4. hahahaha....showing off all those muscles...or getting a whiff of someone's body odor...gah!!! So yeah, i run....helps me keep a sane facade =)
