Friday, December 10, 2010

The Constant Battle

Ennui it seems is another factor to make me write again.I haven't written anything art-worthy though LOL.
Inspiration is currently unreachable? Or on vacation...a long vacation. I only have photos to occupy my time.

To stave off my hostility to a minimum remember not everyone was created to actually understand and that sometimes to understand is not the actual point to everything.

Therefore it would take more than the photos to keep me slightly grounded. Watching series after series does help but  in no way does it help me sleep better. Furthermore, not a good activity to lose weight.

My excuses are currently winning. I have not been running as much as I wanted and getting the rest that I need. I plan to win though. But planning and talking about it is nothing to finally doing something about it.

Right now I'm waiting for a couple of friends who wants to enroll on a gym with me. So I am holding off my re-enrollment at Marriott. Just in case they find a better gym. Personally I prefer City Gym at Waterfront Hotel, since the place is pretty much neat. However membership is also quite pricey. So Marriott was the second choice.
But there could be better gyms in the city. I would prefer somewhere more accessible. Thus Marriott has been my choice for quite some time.
This time, we'll see where I could at least get exercise.

I want it soon though. It is December already. And this month is never easy on weight issues. I already have enough Thank you very much.

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