Saturday, February 2, 2008

Color Me Blue

I guess this would be one of those days again yeah?
Everything should have been perfect but it wasn't. And as much as I want to be busy and forget time was ticking, it's like the very sound of my breathing was taunting me that time was running and I'm still here waiting.
It sucks, to be honest. Specially that waiting isn't my best forte. Nor my favorite activity.

Anyway, to try to stray from melancholy things...

Still learning Japanese....I have a very, very long way to go. *sigh* (AWAY FROM ANYTHING DEPRESSING) --so yeah, it should be a challenge and looking forward to it.

Then there's my masters class...gah! Thesis!!! (AWAY AWAY AWAY) bloody hell, just getting harder not to be down...think of something happy...ICE CREAM!!!
ok that worked.

So yeah...where was I...oh yeah...I'm good.No longer...ehem...whacked.
Hope you guys are having a better weekend than I am.
And hopefully despite the body pains I would be getting on tomorrow's soccer practice, I am going to have fun...even if I end up on my ass again.

Fight-o! O! yosh!

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