Tuesday, January 29, 2013

96 - Secrets Over Ramen

Right after training, I was tricked in walking from IT Park to Ayala by my co-trainees. I though we were taking a jeepney along Tesda or the Waterfront.

So I got to the mall all sweaty and flustered since I walked that distance laughing my head off and chatting a mile a minute.

Met up with Jay-R (my official sex slave LOL) alone since Lane wasn't able to make it cause she seemed to have a case of un-diagnosed food poisoning. Inda and Riz on the other hand were out the entire day, having grumpy checked up at the hospital.

I am not sure when I'll be seeing anyone again soon. With the trend, probably next year, but that's probably up for debate still and I might just see J on my trip this month.

So it was a date of secrets and confessions as usual.
No worries J, there's no telling while I'm writing this.)

I guess it's true in a way, a secret is only good for zero, one or two people, beyond that, it's no longer a secret. 

And I'm shutting up now.

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