Monday, January 14, 2013

82 - Brownie Surprise

I love bringing my camera to work.

Aside from getting shots for this project, I get to take photos of the people I am training with.

I guess, in a way, I like the idea that I have images for fun times. I am definitely enjoying myself.

Despite the morning shift that has been the largest elephant in my day, I still go to work, not just because I need to and because I need to learn stuff when we actually go live, but because of the people I'm training with.

It may sound sappy specially for someone like me who has been way too anti-social for quite a while. To think, my co trainees cannot imagine me being anti-social. It sounds really really odd. It's been a while since I have been associated with the word friendly. And only really close friends have been able to describe me as talkative. And they have described me as really chatty. I talk a lot. Christ. LOL

But I like it. I like the idea that I am different now than how I was before.
I mean, basically I did get out of a much stressful work because I didn't like what I was becoming. 
I am naturally an angry person. 
I do anger quite beautifully. Thank you very much.

However, I was never hateful. And at that time, I hated myself more for being so as well as almost complaining daily about the shit at work and having done nothing about it. Which wasn't me.

So, it seems I made the right choice after all.
I did have my doubts.
I traded in a high paying job to one that is absolutely alien to me.

And yet: I laugh more, talk more and listen more.

Awesome brownie points for me then.

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