Wednesday, March 13, 2013

135 - Grounded

I've always had a habit of taking pictures of my feet when in a new place or when out with friends. If not my feet, my glasses; which actually frustrates some people who expect that I post a photo of myself while there.

Well...I do...sometimes...okay very seldom. When someone else is holding the camera.

Since I've gotten my camera, If it's not a photo of the dogs, it would be of my feet or my glasses and light fixtures.

Can't really blame me. With this project I barely choose a photo with people as part of the subject...maybe body hands and feet. LOL

I try really.

It's not for an artistic angle per se...the artistic word is such a pressure. More like, for what I like to show and what I see.
I think I've mentioned this before in a previous blog.
Hmmm not too sure.

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