Wednesday, March 13, 2013

137 - Drops of Light

I met up with my friend Adiong and had dinner at Dong Juan Parkmall. She was complaining that I haven't had time to meet up with her a nd a few friends I worked with at Sykes.

Training and learning something I am new at does eat up my time added the fact that I was just newly assigned to go to work on the EMEA shift.

As I have indicated on the photos I've posted on our date, since it was quite in demand so Adiong could have a new profile pic for her Facebook account: 

Friendship is always a work in progress. To make it work, we put effort to meet up with friends despite distance, time and most especially work.

We each are entitled and responsible to be someone's sounding board and the comfort that they could be ours.

And at the end of the day, it is not time wasted, but moments of memories that strengthen our bonds.

I miss a lot of old friends. 

I could understand if they do work outside the country. However, some do make the effort to stay in touch on line or when they're back in Cebu for a visit.
However, what sucks are friends that are within the same city and not a text, chat or email greeting.

So I don't think distance is a great factor, not with the technology we have now. Work has a greater hold on the time we have. And there's just plain neglect. And friendship without a little bit of effort don't flourish. 

Lucky if by chance we are able to reconnect with people.

Luck however is something I barely rely on.

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